Extended summary/abstract in MS Word (Maximum 400 words excluding title, authors and
affiliations) in Font size, 12, Times New Roman, Single line spacing) containing an
Introduction (50 words), Materials and Methods (100 words), Results and Discussion (200
words), Conclusion/ Recommendations (50 words) and 3-4 Keywords should be sent in
conference mail (fsrdaconference2025@gmail.com). Only registered extended
summary/abstracts will be published in conference proceedings/souvenir.
There will be following categories of presentations:
- ▪ Key note Presentation
- ▪ Lead paper
- ▪ Oral
- ▪ Rapid fire
- ▪ Poster
- ▪ Exhibitions
Keynote/Lead Speakers
Eminent Scientists/Administrators in relevant field will be invited to deliver special lectures
on the topics related conference theme.
Oral/Rapid fire Presentation
The oral presentation will be allocated to selected abstracts for 10 minutes duration
including time for 1-2 clarifying questions. Rapid Fires presentation will be a brief 3–5
minute PowerPoint presentation with 5-slide or less.
Poster Presentation
Theme wise poster session covering the themes identified in the conference will be
organized. The size of the poster shall be 90 cm length × 60 cm width briefly showing Title,
Introduction, Methodology, Significant Findings (including tables/ figures/ photographs)
and bulleted Summary.
An exhibition will be organized at the conference venue for showcasing the
products/technologies (Rs 40000/ per stall along with one complimentary registration).